Sunday Services & Ministries
Sunday School – 9:00 AM
Morning Worship – 10:00 AM
AWANA – 4:30 – 6:00 PM
(September – May)

Wednesday Services & Ministries
Adult Bible Study – 6:30 PM
Children’s Bible Study – 6:30 PM
Youth Bible Study – 6:30 PM
Choir Practice – 7:30 PM
Title – Walking by Faith
Categories: NehemiahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Work, God's Way
Passage: Nehemiah 2:1-20
Walking by Faith
Nehemiah 2:1-20
I. It requires _________________________. (v. 1-3)
II. It requires ________________________. (v. 4-8)
III. It requires _______________________. (v. 9-20)
Title – First Thing’s First
Categories: NehemiahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Work, God's Way
Passage: Nehemiah 1:1-11
First Thing’s First
Nehemiah 1:1-11
I. It includes genuine _______________________. (v. 1-4)
II. It includes honest _______________________. (v. 5-9)
III. It includes humble ______________________. (v. 8-11)
Title – Greatness In God’s Kingdom
Categories: Sunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Passage: Matthew 20:20-28
Greatness in God’s Kingdom
Matthew 20:20-28
I. Be ______________________ . (v. 20-23)
II. Be ______________________. (v. 24-28)
Title – God Our Salvation, Part II
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 7:1-20
God Our Salvation
Micah 7:1-20
I. He delivers His people. (v. 1-8)
II. He gathers His people. (v. 9-13)
III. He _________________________ His people. (v. 14-17)
IV. He __________________________ His people. (v. 18-20)
Title – God Our Salvation, Part I
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 7:1-20
God Our Salvation
Micah 7:1-20
I. He ___________________________ His people. (v. 1-8)
II. He __________________________ His people. (v. 9-13)
III. He _________________________ His people. (v. 14-17)
IV. He __________________________ His people. (v. 18-20)
Title – God Our Father, Part II
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 6:1-16
God Our Father
Micah 6:1-16
I. He saves His children. (v. 1-5)
II. He teachesHis children. (v. 6-8)
III. He _______________________ His children. (v. 9-15)
Title – God Our Father, Part I
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 6:1-16
God Our Father
Micah 6:1-16
I. He _________________________ His children. (v. 1-5)
II. He ________________________ His children. (v. 6-8)
III. He _______________________ His children. (v. 9-15)
Title – God Our King
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 5:1-15
God Our King
Micah 5:1-15
I. He is the _________________________ King who saves. (v. 1-2)
II. He is the ________________________ King who overcomes. (v. 3-6)
III. He is the _______________________ King who sanctifies. (v. 7-15)
Title – God Our Hope
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 4:1-13
God Our Hope
Micah 4:1-13
I. He promises _________________________ . (v. 1-4)
II. He promises ________________________ . (v. 5-8)
III. He promises _______________________ . (v. 9-13)
Title – God Our Truth
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 3:1-12
God Our Truth
Micah 3:1-12
I. We must trust in Him, not political _________________________ . (v. 1-4)
II. We must trust in Him, not religious ________________________ . (v. 5-8)
III. We must trust in Him, not changing _______________________ . (v. 9-12)
Title – God Our Holiness
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 2:1-13
God Our Holiness
Micah 2:1-13
I. No one is like Him in _________________________ . (v. 1-5)
II. No one is like Him in ________________________ . (v. 6-11)
III. No one is like Him in _______________________ . (v. 12-13)
Title – God Our Judge
Categories: MicahSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Who Is Like Our God?
Passage: Micah 1:1-16
God Our Judge
Micah 1:1-16
I. His judgment is _________________________ . (v. 1-4)
II. His judgment is ________________________ . (v. 5-9)
III. His judgment is _______________________ . (v. 10-16)
Title – Confronting Sin
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:19-20
Confronting Sin
James 5:19-20
I. The issue is _________________________________ . (v. 13-14)
II. The consequences are _______________________ . (v. 15-16a)
III. The goal must be ___________________________ . (v. 16b-18)
Title – The Power of Prayer, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:13-18
The Power of Prayer
James 5:13-18
I. There is great need for praying for one another. (v. 13-14)
II. There is great lovein praying for one another. (v. 15-16a)
III. There is great ___________ in praying for one another. (v. 16b-18)
Title – The Power of Prayer, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:13-18
The Power of Prayer
James 5:13-18
I. There is great ___________ for praying for one another. (v. 13-14)
II. There is great ___________ in praying for one another. (v. 15-16a)
III. There is great ___________ in praying for one another. (v. 16b-18)
Title – Tell the Truth
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:12
Tell the Truth
James 5:12
I. God __________________________ truthfulness. (v. 12a)
II. God __________________________ truthfulness. (v. 12b)
III. God ________________________ by truthfulness. (v. 12c)
Title – Patiently Waiting
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:7-11
Patiently Waiting
James 5:7-11
I. It requires _______________________ in God’s promises. (v. 7-8)
II. It requires ______________________ of God’s people. (v. 9)
III. It requires _____________________ to God’s plan. (v. 10-11)
Title – Ill-Gotten Gain
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:1-6
Ill-Gotten Gain
James 5:1-6
I. Wealth is not to be sinfully __________________________________. (v. 1-3)
II. Wealth is not to be shamefully _______________________________. (v. 4)
III. Wealth is not to be selfishly _______________________________. (v. 5)
IV. Wealth is not to be spitefully _______________________________. (v. 6)
Title – Living Life to the Fullest
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:13-17
Living Life to the Fullest
James 4:13-17
I. Remember that life is _____________________________. (v. 13-14)
II. Remember that life is a _______________________________. (v. 15-16)
III. Remember that life has a _______________________________. (v. 17)
Title – The Seriousness of Slander
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:11-12
The Seriousness of Slander
James 4:11-12
I. We think incorrectly about _____________________________. (v. 11a)
II. We think sinfully about _______________________________. (v. 11b-12a)
III. We think too highly of _______________________________. (v. 12b)
Title – Draw Near, Part III
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:7-10
Draw Near
James 4:7-10
I. Submit to the Master. (v. 7)
II. ApproachGod’s throne. (v. 8a)
III. Turn from sin. (v. 8b)
IV. Take sin seriously. (v. 9)
V. ______________________________ in God’s grace. (v. 10)
Title – Draw Near, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:7-10
Draw Near
James 4:7-10
I. Submit to the Master. (v. 7)
II. ApproachGod’s throne. (v. 8a)
III. ____________________________ from sin. (v. 8b)
IV. _____________________________ sin seriously. (v. 9)
V. ______________________________ in God’s grace. (v. 10)
Title – Draw Near, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:7-10
Draw Near
James 4:7-10
I. _____________________________ to the Master. (v. 7)
II. _____________________________ God’s throne. (v. 8a)
III. ____________________________ from sin. (v. 8b)
IV. _____________________________ sin seriously. (v. 9)
V. ______________________________ in God’s grace. (v. 10)
Title – A Bad Friendship
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:4-6
A Bad Friendship
James 4:4-6
I. When we choose the world, we reject God’s _____________________________. (v. 4)
II. When we choose the world, we reject God’s ____________________________. (v. 5)
III. When we choose the world, we reject God’s ___________________________. (v. 6)
Title – Why do Christians fight?
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:1-3
Why do Christians fight?
James 4:1-3
I. We are yielded to sinful desires, not God’s ____________________________________. (v. 1)
II. We are driven to fleshly action, not God’s ____________________________________. (v. 2)
III. We are motivated by selfish ambition, not God’s ______________________________. (v. 3)
Title – Real Wisdom, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:13-18
Real Wisdom
James 3:13-18
I. True wisdom is marked by godly living. (v. 13)
II. True wisdom is marked by godly motives. (v. 14-15)
III. True wisdom is marked by godly _______________________. (v. 16)
IV. True wisdom is marked by godly _______________________. (v. 17-18)
Title – Real Wisdom, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:13-18
Real Wisdom
James 3:13-18
I. True wisdom is marked by godly _________________________. (v. 13)
II. True wisdom is marked by godly ________________________. (v. 14-15)
III. True wisdom is marked by godly _______________________. (v. 16)
IV. True wisdom is marked by godly ________________________. (v. 17-18)
Title – The Untamed Tongue, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:1-12
The Untamed Tongue
James 3:1-12
I. The tongue has power to convict. (v. 1-2a)
II. The tongue has power to command. (v. 2b-5a)
III. The tongue has power to ____________________. (v. 5b-6)
IV. The tongue has power to _____________________. (v. 7-8)
V. The tongue has power to ______________________. (v. 9-12)
Title – The Untamed Tongue, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:1-12
The Untamed Tongue
James 3:1-12
I. The tongue has power to ______________________. (v. 1-2a)
II. The tongue has power to _____________________. (v. 2b-5a)
III. The tongue has power to ____________________. (v. 5b-6)
IV. The tongue has power to _____________________. (v. 7-8)
V. The tongue has power to ______________________. (v. 9-12)
Title – Faith that Works
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:21-26
Faith that Works
James 2:21-26
I. True faith produces _____________________ to God’s Word. (v. 21-22)
II. True faith produces ___________________ in God’s person. (v. 23-24)
III. True faith produces ________________________ God’s ways. (v. 25-26)
Title – Falsified Faith
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:14-20
Falsified Faith
James 2:14-20
I. It is missing true ____________________________. (v. 14)
II. It is missing real ____________________________. (v. 15-17)
III. It is missing genuine _________________________. (v. 18-20)
Title – The Perils of Partiality
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:8-13
The Perils of Partiality
James 2:8-13
I. We are ___________________________ of His command. (v. 8-9)
II. We are ___________________________ before His command. (v. 10-11)
III. We are ___________________________ by His command. (v. 12-13)
Title – The Problems with Partiality
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:1-7
The Problems with Partiality
James 2:1-7
I. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 1)
II. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 2-4)
III. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 5)
IV. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 6-7)
Title – Doers of the Word, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:23-27
Doers of the Word, Part II
James 1:23-27
I. His Word ________________________________. (v. 23-24)
II. His Word ________________________________. (v. 25)
III. His Word ________________________________. (v. 26-27)
Title – Doers of the Word, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:19-22
Doers of the Word, Part I
James 1:19-22
I. Practice ________________________________. (v. 19-20)
II. Pursue __________________________________. (v. 21)
III. Pursue __________________________________. (v. 22)
Title – Who’s to Blame?
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:13-18
Who’s to Blame?
James 1:13-18
I. God is __________________________________. (v. 13)
II. We are __________________________________. (v. 14-15)
III. God is __________________________________. (v. 16-18)
Title – What Really Matters
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:9-12
What Really Matters
James 1:9-12
I. Notice the priority of _______________________________. (v. 9)
II. Notice the passing of worldly _________________________. (v. 10-11)
III. Notice the permanence of God’s __________________________. (v. 12)
Title – Enduring Life’s Trials, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:1-8
Enduring the Life’s Trials
James 1:1-8
I. It requires true joy. (v. 1-2)
II. It requires right knowledge. (v. 3)
III. It requires real ____________________________. (v. 4)
IV. It requires divine ____________________________. (v. 5)
V. It requires genuine ____________________________. (v. 6-8)
Title – Enduring Life’s Trials, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:1-8
Enduring the Life’s Trials
James 1:1-8
I. It requires true ____________________________. (v. 1-2)
II. It requires right ___________________________. (v. 3)
III. It requires real ____________________________. (v. 4)
IV. It requires divine __________________________. (v. 5)
V. It requires genuine _________________________. (v. 6-8)
Title – What is the goal of the Church’s ministries?
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Colossians 1:21-29
What is the goal of the Church’s ministries?
Colossians 1:21-29
I. Our goal is to lead people to ________________________ from sin. (v. 21-23)
II. Our goal is to lead people to ________________________ of God’s will. (v. 24-27)
III. Our goal is to lead people to ________________________ to Christ’s image. (v. 28-29)
Title – How is the Church supposed to behave? Part III
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 4:25-5:8
How is the Church supposed to behave?
Ephesians 4:25-5:8
I. Speak truthfully. (v. 25)
II. Avoid bitterness. (v. 26-27)
III. Live honestly. (v. 28)
IV. Speak wholsomely. (v. 29-30)
V. Model kindness. (v. 31-32)
VI. Emulate ____________________________________. (v. 1-2)
VII. Pursue ____________________________________. (v. 3-8)
Title – How is the Church supposed to behave? Part II
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 4:25-5:8
How is the Church supposed to behave?
Ephesians 4:25-5:8
I. Speak truthfully. (v. 25)
II. Avoid bitterness. (v. 26-27)
III. Live honestly. (v. 28)
IV. Speak __________________________________. (v. 29-30)
V. Model ___________________________________. (v. 31-32)
Title – How is the Church supposed to behave? Part I
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 4:25-5:8
How is the Church supposed to behave?
Ephesians 4:25-5:8
I. Speak ___________________________. (v. 25)
II. Avoid __________________________. (v. 26-27)
III. Live __________________________. (v. 28)
Title – How is the Church led?
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: 1 Peter 5:1-4
How is the Church led?
1 Peter 5:1-4
I. Shepherds are responsible to ___________________________. (v. 1-2)
II. Shepherds are responsible to __________________________. (v. 3)
III. Shepherds are responsible to _________________________. (v. 4)
Title – How is the Church governed?
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Acts 6:1-7
How is the Church governed?
Acts 6:1-7
I. God protects the ___________________________ of the body. (v. 1)
II. God protects the __________________________ of the body. (v. 2-4)
III. God protects the _________________________ of the body. (v. 5-7)
Title – What the Cross Accomplished (Easter 2024)
Categories: Sunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Passage: Matthew 27:45-54
What the Cross Accomplished
Matthew 27:45-54
I. Sin is ______________________. (v. 45-50)
II. Salvation is _________________________. (v. 51)
III. Death is __________________________, (v. 52-54)
Title – How does the Church love each other? Part III
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Romans 14:20-15:7
How does the Church love each other? Part III
Romans 14:20-15:7
III. We love by ___________________ one another. (v. 20-23)
A. Don’t violate your ________________. (v. 20-21)
B. Don’t cause your brother to ___________________. (v. 22-23)
IV. We love by _______________________ one another. (v. 13-19)
A. _____________________ others. (v. 1-3)
B. _____________________ to Scripture. (v. 4)
C. _____________________ God. (v. 5-7)
Title – How does the Church love each other? Part II
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Romans 14:13-19
How does the Church love each other? Part II
Romans 14:13-19
II. We love by ____________________ one another. (v. 13-19)
A. We edify by giving ___________________ to each other. (v. 13-14)
B. We edify by living ___________________toward each other. (v. 15-17)
C. We edify by making ___________________with each other. (v. 18-19)
Title – How does the Church love each other? Part I
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Romans 14:1-12
How does the Church love each other? Part I
Romans 14:1-15:7
I. We love by ____________________ accepting one another. (v. 1-12)
A. God _______________ each of us. (v. 1-3)
B. God _______________ each of us. (v. 4-9)
C. God _______________ each of us. (v. 10-12)
Title – What is the Church’s mission?
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Acts 1:1-11
What is the Church’s mission?
Acts 1:1-11
I. We are to go in His ________________________. (v. 1-5)
II. We are to go to all _________________________. (v. 6-8)
III. We are to go until He _______________________. (v. 9-11)
Title – What is the Church’s purpose? Part II
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 4:11-16
What is the Church’s Purpose?
Ephesians 4:11-16
I. We teach the truth. (v. 11-12)
II. We submit to the truth. (v. 13-14)
III. We ________________________ in the truth. (v. 15-16)
Title – What is the Church’s purpose? Part I
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 4:11-16
What is the Church’s Purpose?
Ephesians 4:11-16
I. We ________________________ the truth. (v. 11-12)
II. We ________________________ to the truth. (v. 13-14)
III. We ________________________ in the truth. (v. 15-16)
Title – What does the Church do? Part III
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Acts 2:41-47
What Does the Church Do?
Acts 2:41-47
I. Pledge to membership. (v. 41-42a)
II. Preach the Word. (v. 42b)
III. Partner in ministry. (v. 42c)
IV. Practice the ordinances. (v. 42d)
V. Persist in prayer. (v. 42d)
VI. Promote ____________________. (v. 43)
VII. Participate in ____________________. (v. 44-45)
VIII. Proclaim the ____________________. (v. 46-47)
Title – What does the Church do? Part II
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Acts 2:41-47
What Does the Church Do?
Acts 2:41-47
I. Pledge to membership. (v. 41-42a)
II. Preach the Word. (v. 42b)
III. Partner in ministry. (v. 42c)
IV. Practice the ____________________. (v. 42d)
V. Persist in ____________________. (v. 42d)
VI. Promote ____________________. (v. 43)
VII. Participate in ____________________. (v. 44-45)
VIII. Proclaim the ____________________. (v. 46-47)
Title – What does the Church do? Part I
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Acts 2:41-47
What Does the Church Do?
Acts 2:41-47
I. Pledge to ____________________. (v. 41-42a)
II. Preach the ____________________. (v. 42b)
III. Partner in ____________________. (v. 42c)
IV. Practice the ____________________. (v. 42d)
V. Persist in ____________________. (v. 42d)
VI. Promote ____________________. (v. 43)
VII. Participate in ____________________. (v. 44-45)
VIII. Proclaim the ____________________. (v. 46-47)
Title – What is the Church? Part III
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 2:11-22
What is the Church?
Ephesians 2:11-22
I. We are redeemed by God. (v. 11-13)
II. We have access to God. (v. 14-18)
A. We have access through peace. (v. 14-15)
B. We have access through reconciliation. (v. 16-17)
C. We have access through the Spirit. (v. 18)
III. We are _______________________ by God. (v. 19-22)
A. We are God’s ______________________. (v. 19a)
B. We are God’s ______________________. (v. 19b)
C. We are God’s ______________________. (v. 20-22)
Title – What is the Church? Part II
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 2:11-22
What is the Church?
Ephesians 2:11-22
I. We are redeemed by God. (v. 11-13)
II. We have _____________________ to God. (v. 14-18)
A. We have access through _______________________. (v. 14-15)
B. We have access through _______________________. (v. 16-17)
C. We have access through _______________________. (v. 18)
III. We are ______________________ by God. (v. 19-22)
Title – What is the Church? Part I
Categories: Sunday Morning SermonsThe House of God
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: The House of God
Passage: Ephesians 2:11-22
What is the Church?
Ephesians 2:11-22
I. We are ______________________ by God. (v. 11-13)
II. We have _____________________ to God. (v. 14-18)
III. We are ______________________ by God. (v. 19-22)
Title – Amazing Grace
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Titus 2:11-14
Amazing Grace
Titus 2:11-14
I. By God’s grace we are _____________________________. (v. 11)
II. By God’s grace we are _____________________________. (v. 12)
III. By God’s grace we are __________________________. (v. 13-14)
Title – When The Time Was Right
Categories: Sunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Galatians 4:1-7
When the Time Came
Galatians 4:1-7
I. God ___________________ us from _________________. (v. 1-3)
II. God ___________________ us for __________________. (v. 4-5)
III. God ___________________ us an ___________________. (v. 6-7)
Title – How Deep the Father’s Love, Part II
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Romans 5:1-11
How Deep the Father’s Love
Romans 5:1-11
I. His love brings peace. (v. 1-2a)
II. His love brings hope. (v. 2b-5)
III. His love brings ______________________________. (v. 6-11)
Title – How Deep the Father’s Love, Part I
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Romans 5:1-11
How Deep the Father’s Love
Romans 5:1-11
I. His love brings ______________________________. (v. 1-2a)
II. His love brings ______________________________. (v. 2b-5)
III. His love brings ______________________________. (v. 6-11)
Title – The Judge of All the Earth, Part II (2 of 2)
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Romans 2:1-16
The Judge of All the Earth, Part II
Romans 2:1-16
I. He judges in ________________________________. (v. 1-4)
II. He judges in _______________________________. (v. 5-11)
III. He judges in ______________________________. (v. 12-16)
Title – The Judge of All the Earth, Part II (1 of 2)
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Romans 2:1-16
The Judge of All the Earth, Part II
Romans 2:1-16
I. He judges in ________________________________. (v. 1-4)
II. He judges in _______________________________. (v. 5-11)
III. He judges in ______________________________. (v. 12-16)
Title – The Judge of All the Earth, Part I
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Romans 1:18-32
The Judge of All the Earth, Part I
Romans 1:18-32
I. His wrath is revealed against man’s _______________. (v. 18-23)
a. Men reject the __________________. (v. 18-20)
b. Men worship ___________________. (v. 21-23)
II. His wrath is revealed in man’s ____________________. (v. 24-32)
a. Men have been given over to moral ___________. (v. 24-25)
b. Men have been given over to shameful _________. (v. 26-27)
c. Men have been given over to mental __________. (v. 28-32)
Title – The Wisdom of the All-Wise
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
The Wisdom of the All-Wise
1 Corinthians 1:18-31
I. People are _____________ through His wisdom. (v. 18-21)
II. The world __________________ at His wisdom. (v. 22-25)
III. God is _______________ through His wisdom. (v. 26-31)
Title – Our All-Sufficient God, Part II
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Psalm 139:1-24
Our All-Sufficient God
Psalm 139:1-24
I. God is all-knowing. (v. 1-6)
II. God is ever-present. (v. 7-12)
III. God is all-____________________________________. (v. 13-24)
a. His power is demonstrated in His _____________. (v. 13-18)
b. His power is demonstrated in His _____________. (v. 19-22)
c. His power is demonstrated in His _____________. (v. 23-24)
Title – Our All-Sufficient God, Part I
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Psalm 139:1-24
Our All-Sufficient God
Psalm 139:1-24
I. God is all-____________________________________. (v. 1-6)
II. God is ever-__________________________________. (v. 7-12)
III. God is all-__________________________________. (v. 13-24)
a. His power is demonstrated in His ____________. (v. 13-18)
b. His power is demonstrated in His ____________. (v. 19-22)
c. His power is demonstrated in His ___________. (v. 23-24)
Title – God Our Savior
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Revelation 5:1-14
God Our Savior
Revelation 5:1-14
I. We worship Him as ______________________________. (v. 1-5)
II. We worship Him as _____________________________ (v. 6-10)
III. We worship Him as ____________________________. (v. 11-14)
Title – God Our Creator
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Revelation 4:1-11
God Our Creator
Revelation 4:1-11
I. He has perfect _____________________________. (v. 1-2)
II. He has perfect _____________________________. (v. 3-8)
III. He has a perfect ____________________________. (v. 9-11)
Title – Great Is His Faithfulness
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Lamentations 3:19-33
Great Is His Faithfulness
Lamentations 3:19-33
I. Remember His _______________________________. (v. 19-24)
II. Remember His _______________________________. (v. 25-33)
Title – The King of Heaven
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Daniel 4:34-37
The King of Heaven
Daniel 4:34-37
I. He reigns _____________________________. (v. 34)
II. He reigns _____________________________. (v. 35)
III. He reigns _____________________________. (v.36-37)
Title – Holy, Holy, Holy, Part II
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Isaiah 6:1-13
Holy, Holy, Holy
Isaiah 6:1-13
I. Worship His majesty. (v. 1-3)
II. Reverence His person. (v. 6-7)
III. _____________________________ to His provision. (v. 6-7)
IV. _____________________________ His call. (v. 8-10)
V. _____________________________ to His purpose. (v. 11-13)
Title – Holy, Holy, Holy, Part I
Categories: How Great Is Our GodSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: How Great is Our God
Passage: Isaiah 6:1-13
Holy, Holy, Holy
Isaiah 6:1-13
I. _____________________________ His majesty. (v. 1-3)
II. _____________________________ His person. (v. 6-7)
III. _____________________________ to His provision. (v. 6-7)
IV. _____________________________ His call. (v. 8-10)
V. _____________________________ to His purpose. (v. 11-13)
Title – The Efficient Word
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: Psalm 19:7-14
The Efficient Word
Psalm 19:7-14
I. The Word ______________________. (v. 7a)
II. The Word ______________________. (v. 7b)
III. The Word ______________________. (v. 8a)
IV. The Word ______________________. (v. 8b)
V. The Word ______________________. (v. 9a)
VI. The Word ______________________. (v. 9b)
VII. The Word ______________________. (v. 10)
VIII. The Word ______________________. (v. 11-14)
Title – The Christ-Centered Word, Part II
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: Hebrews 1:1-4
The Christ-Centered Word
Hebrews 1:1-4
I. Jesus speaks as Fullness of all divinity. (v. 1-2a)
II. Jesus speaks as Owner of all things. (v. 2b)
III. Jesus speaks as Creator of all worlds. (v. 2c)
IV. Jesus speaks as Source of all truth. (v. 3a)
V. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all people. (v. 3b)
VI. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all beings. (v. 4-14)
Title – The Christ-Centered Word, Part I
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: Hebrews 1:1-4
The Christ-Centered Word
Hebrews 1:1-4
I. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all divinity. (v. 1-2a)
II. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all things. (v. 2b)
III. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all worlds. (v. 2c)
IV. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all truth. (v. 3a)
V. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all people. (v. 3b)
VI. Jesus speaks as ____________________ of all beings. (v. 4-14)
Title – The Preached Word
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: Romans 10:6-17
The Preached Word
Romans 10:6-17
I. The preached Word _____________________to Christ. (v. 6-10)
II. The preached Word is _________________for everyone. (v. 11-13)
III. The preached Word _______________________ faith. (v. 14-17)
Title – The Assaulted Word: Consequences, Part II
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: Genesis 3:6-24
The Assaulted Word: Consequences, Part II
Genesis 3:6-24
I. Rejecting God’s Word is sin. (v. 6)
II. Rejecting God’s Word brings shame. (v. 7-13)
III. Rejecting God’s Word produces __________________. (v. 14-19)
IV. Rejecting God’s Word brings ____________________. (v. 20-24)
Title – The Assaulted Word: Consequences, Part I
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: Genesis 3:6-24
The Assaulted Word: Consequences, Part I
Genesis 3:6-24
I. Rejecting God’s Word is ____________________. (v. 6)
II. Rejecting God’s Word brings ____________________. (v. 7-13)
III. Rejecting God’s Word produces __________________. (v. 14-19)
IV. Rejecting God’s Word brings ____________________. (v. 20-24)
Title – The Assaulted Word: Schemes
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: Genesis 3:1-5
The Assaulted Word: Schemes
Genesis 3:1-5
I. The attack is to ____________________ God’s Word. (v. 1)
II. The attack is to ____________________ God’s Word. (v. 2-3)
III. The attack is to ____________________ God’s Word. (v. 4-5)
Title – The True Word
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: John 17:6-19
The True Word
John 17:6-19
I. The source of the Word is _______________________. (v. 6-8)
II. The fruit of the Word is ________________________. (v. 9-16)
III. The purpose of the Word is _____________________. (v. 17-19)
Title – The Eternal Word
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
The Eternal Word
1 Peter 1:22-2:3
I. Its _________________________ is eternal. (v. 22-23a)
II. Its _________________________ is eternal. (v. 23b-25)
III. Its _________________________ is eternal. (v. 1-3)
Title – The Sufficient Word
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
The Sufficient Word
2 Timothy 3:14-17
I. It is sufficient to ________________ me to salvation. (v. 14-15)
II. It is sufficient to ___________________ me about God. (v. 16a)
III. It is sufficient to ______________ me for obedience. (v. 16b-17)
Title – The Inspired Word
Categories: God's Perfect WordSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: God's Perfect Word
Passage: 2 Peter 1:16-21
The Inspired Word
2 Peter 1:16-21
I. The Word is ______________________________. (v. 16-18)
II. The Word is ______________________________. (v. 19)
III. The Word is ______________________________. (v. 20-21)
Title – God’s Perfect Love
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 8:31-39
God’s Perfect Love
Romans 8:31-39
I. He ______________________________ for us. (v. 31-32)
II. He ______________________________ us. (v. 33-34)
III. He ______________________________ us. (v. 35-39)
Title – God’s Perfect Plan
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 8:28-30
God’s Perfect Plan
Romans 8:28-30
I. His plan works for the _____________ of His children. (v. 28)
II. His plan works for the _____________ of His children. (v. 29)
III. His plan works for the _____________ of His children. (v. 30)
Title – Groanings for Glory
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 8:18-27
Groanings for Glory
Romans 8:18-27
I. The _________ groans for the glory of God’s __________. (v. 18-22)
II. The ________ groans for the glory of God’s ___________. (v. 18-20)
III. The _________ groans for the glory of God’s __________. (v. 26-27)
Title – Children and Heirs
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 8:14-17
Children And Heirs
Romans 8:14-17
I. God’s children are led by His _______________________. (v. 14)
II. God’s children are adopted into His _______________. (v. 15-16)
III. God’s children are heirs with His ____________________. (v. 17)
Title – The Spirit’s Presence
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 8:5-13
The Spirit’s Presence
Romans 8:5-13
I. The Spirit _______________________ us. (v. 5-8)
II. The Spirit _________________________ us. (v. 9-11)
III. The Spirit ________________________ us. (v. 12-13)
Title – Victory In Jesus
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 7:24 - 8:4
Victory In Jesus
Romans 7:24-8:4
I. He delivers us from sin’s _______________________. (v. 24-25)
II. He delivers us from sin’s ____________________________. (v. 1)
III. He delivers us from sin’s __________________________ (v. 2-4)
Title – The Ongoing Battle
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 7:14-25
The Ongoing Battle
Romans 7:14-25
I. We must recognize the ____________________ of the flesh. (v. 14-20)
II. We must recognize the ___________________ of the Spirit. (v. 21-23)
III. We must recognize the ____________________ of the Lord. (v. 24-25)
Title – The Purposes of God’s Law
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 7:1-13
The Purposes of God’s Law
Romans 7:1-13
I. Through God’s Law, we see our need for _________________. (v. 1-6)
II. Through God’s Law, we see the nature of ________________. (v. 7-11)
III. Through God’s Law, we see the character of _____________. (v. 12-13)
Title – Who’s Your Master?
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 6:12-23
Who’s Your Master?
Romans 6:12-23
I. We submit to a new ____________________________. (v. 12-14)
II. We have a new ________________________________. (v. 15-19)
III. We bear new _________________________________. (v. 20-23)
Title – Dead And Alive
Categories: More Than ConquerorsSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: More Than Conquerors
Passage: Romans 6:1-11
Dead And Alive
Romans 6:1-11
I. We need a right understanding of __________________. (v. 1-5)
II. We need a right understanding of _________________. (v. 6-7)
III. We need a right understanding of _________________. (v. 8-11)
Title – He Is Risen!
Categories: Sunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Easter Service
Passage: Mark 16:1-8
He Is Risen!
Mark 16:1-8
I. The ________________________ tells us He is risen. (v. 1-5a)
II. The ________________________ tells us He is risen. (v. 5b-6)
III. The ________________________ tell us He is risen. (v. 7-8)
Title – After You’re Gone
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: 2 Kings 13:14-21
After You’re Gone
2 Kings 13:14-21
I. Don’t miss out on God’s _____________ from your life. (v. 14)
II. Don’t settle for less than God’s __________ for your life. (v. 15-19)
III. Don’t underestimate God’s _____________ in your life. (v. 20-21)
Title – How Should We Then Live?
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: 2 Peter 3:1-14
How Should We Then Live?
2 Peter 3:1-14
I. We should live _____________________. (v. 1-2)
II. We should live _____________________. (v. 3-9)
III. We should live ____________________. (v. 10-14)
Title – Is There a Place For You?
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: John 14:1-6
Is There a Place For You?
John 14:1-6
I. Have confidence in His ________________. (v. 1)
II. Have confidence in His _______________. (v. 2-3)
III. Have confidence in His _______________. (v. 4-6)
Title – The Glory of Heaven, Part III
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: Revelation 22:1-5
The Glory of Heaven, Part III
Revelation 22:1-5
I. Heaven will be about God’s _____________. (v.1-2)
II. Heaven will be about God’s ____________. (v. 3-4)
III. Heaven will be about God’s ______________. (v. 5)
Title – The Glory of Heaven, Part II
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: Revelation 21:1-8
The Glory of Heaven, Part II
Revelation 21:1-8
I. Heaven will be heaven because God is there. (v. 1-3)
II. Heaven will be heaven because ______ will be removed. (v. 4-5)
III. Heaven will be heaven because ______ will be completed. (v. 6-7)
IV. Heaven will be heaven because ______ will be no more. (v. 8)
Title – The Glory of Heaven, Part I
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: Revelation 21:1-8
The Glory of Heaven
Revelation 21:1-8
I. Heaven will be heaven because ______ is there. (v. 1-3)
II. Heaven will be heaven because ______ will be removed. (v. 4-5)
III. Heaven will be heaven because ______ will be completed. (v. 6-7)
IV. Heaven will be heaven because ______ will be no more. (v. 8)
Title – The Horror of Hell, Part II
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: Luke 16:19-31
The Horror of Hell
Luke 16:19-31
I. Our eternity is settled in this life. (v. 19-25)
a. Hell is just. (v. 19-21)
b. Hell is suffering. (v. 22-25)
II. Our eternity is ______ when we die. (v. 26-31)
a. Hell is ______. (v. 26)
b. Hell is ______. (v. 27-31)
Title – The Horror of Hell, Part I
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: Luke 16:19-31
The Horror of Hell
Luke 16:19-31
I. Our eternity is _____ in this life. (v. 19-25)
a. Hell is ______. (v. 19-21)
b. Hell is ______. (v. 22-25)
II. Our eternity is ______ when we die. (v. 26-31)
a. Hell is ______. (v. 26)
b. Hell is ______. (v. 27-31)
Title – The Judgement Seat of Christ, Part II
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
The Judgment Seat of Christ
1 Corinthians 3:10-15
I. Our salvation in Christ will be ______. (v. 10-11)
II. Our works for Christ will be ______. (v. 12-13)
III. Our rewards from Christ will ______. (v. 14-15)
Title – The Judgment Seat of Christ, Part I
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
The Judgment Seat of Christ
1 Corinthians 3:10-15
I. Our salvation in Christ will be _____. (v. 10-11)
II. Our works for Christ will be _____. (v. 12-13)
III. Our rewards from Christ will _____. (v. 14-15)
Title – The Great White Throne
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: Revelation 20:11-15
The Great White Throne
Revelation 20:11-15
I. God will judge with absolute ______. (v. 11)
II. God will judge with absolute ______. (v. 12-13)
III. God will judge with absolute ______. (v. 14-15)
Title – I’ll Rise Again
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
I’ll Rise Again
1 Corinthians 15:50-58
I. We experience an amazing ______. (v. 50-53)
II. We receive an amazing ______. (v. 54-57)
III. We have an amazing ______. (v. 58)
Title – An Appointment We Can’t Cancel
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: Hebrews 9:27-28
An Appointment We Can’t Cancel
Hebrews 9:27-28
I. We must face that our lives will ______. (v. 27a)
II. We must face that we will be ______. (v. 27b)
III. We must face that our sins must be ______. (v. 28)
Title – What Is Your Life?
Categories: Life, Death, Judgment, and EternitySunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Life, Death, Judgment, and Eternity
Passage: James 4:13-17
What Is Your Life?
James 4:13-17
I. We must acknowledge the _____ of life. (v. 13-14)
II. We must acknowledge the _____ of life. (v. 15-16)
III. We must acknowledge the _____ of life. (v. 17)