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This is a sermon series delivered at our church on Sunday mornings in the Summer and Fall of 2024 that goes verse-by-verse through the New Testament Letter of James. The Letter of James is one of the earliest books of the New Testament and provides tests of authenticity for true Christian faith. He writes to believers who had been scattered throughout the world because of persecution and encourages them to faithfully represent Christ in the contexts in which they find themselves. In a world full of counterfeits of all sorts, it is as important as ever for Christians to examine themselves in light of Scripture and have the assurance of a true saving faith. It is our prayer that this series will convict, comfort, and encourage you to know the Lord Jesus Christ and live a life that faithfully and truly follows Him.
James 1:22 – But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Sunday Services & Ministries
Sunday School – 9:00 AM
Morning Worship – 10:00 AM
AWANA – 4:30 – 6:00 PM
(September – May)

Wednesday Services & Ministries
Adult Bible Study – 6:30 PM
Children’s Bible Study – 6:30 PM
Youth Bible Study – 6:30 PM
Choir Practice – 7:30 PM
Title – Confronting Sin
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:19-20
Confronting Sin
James 5:19-20
I. The issue is _________________________________ . (v. 13-14)
II. The consequences are _______________________ . (v. 15-16a)
III. The goal must be ___________________________ . (v. 16b-18)
Title – The Power of Prayer, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:13-18
The Power of Prayer
James 5:13-18
I. There is great need for praying for one another. (v. 13-14)
II. There is great lovein praying for one another. (v. 15-16a)
III. There is great ___________ in praying for one another. (v. 16b-18)
Title – The Power of Prayer, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:13-18
The Power of Prayer
James 5:13-18
I. There is great ___________ for praying for one another. (v. 13-14)
II. There is great ___________ in praying for one another. (v. 15-16a)
III. There is great ___________ in praying for one another. (v. 16b-18)
Title – Tell the Truth
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:12
Tell the Truth
James 5:12
I. God __________________________ truthfulness. (v. 12a)
II. God __________________________ truthfulness. (v. 12b)
III. God ________________________ by truthfulness. (v. 12c)
Title – Patiently Waiting
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:7-11
Patiently Waiting
James 5:7-11
I. It requires _______________________ in God’s promises. (v. 7-8)
II. It requires ______________________ of God’s people. (v. 9)
III. It requires _____________________ to God’s plan. (v. 10-11)
Title – Ill-Gotten Gain
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 5:1-6
Ill-Gotten Gain
James 5:1-6
I. Wealth is not to be sinfully __________________________________. (v. 1-3)
II. Wealth is not to be shamefully _______________________________. (v. 4)
III. Wealth is not to be selfishly _______________________________. (v. 5)
IV. Wealth is not to be spitefully _______________________________. (v. 6)
Title – Living Life to the Fullest
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:13-17
Living Life to the Fullest
James 4:13-17
I. Remember that life is _____________________________. (v. 13-14)
II. Remember that life is a _______________________________. (v. 15-16)
III. Remember that life has a _______________________________. (v. 17)
Title – The Seriousness of Slander
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:11-12
The Seriousness of Slander
James 4:11-12
I. We think incorrectly about _____________________________. (v. 11a)
II. We think sinfully about _______________________________. (v. 11b-12a)
III. We think too highly of _______________________________. (v. 12b)
Title – Draw Near, Part III
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:7-10
Draw Near
James 4:7-10
I. Submit to the Master. (v. 7)
II. ApproachGod’s throne. (v. 8a)
III. Turn from sin. (v. 8b)
IV. Take sin seriously. (v. 9)
V. ______________________________ in God’s grace. (v. 10)
Title – Draw Near, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:7-10
Draw Near
James 4:7-10
I. Submit to the Master. (v. 7)
II. ApproachGod’s throne. (v. 8a)
III. ____________________________ from sin. (v. 8b)
IV. _____________________________ sin seriously. (v. 9)
V. ______________________________ in God’s grace. (v. 10)
Title – Draw Near, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:7-10
Draw Near
James 4:7-10
I. _____________________________ to the Master. (v. 7)
II. _____________________________ God’s throne. (v. 8a)
III. ____________________________ from sin. (v. 8b)
IV. _____________________________ sin seriously. (v. 9)
V. ______________________________ in God’s grace. (v. 10)
Title – A Bad Friendship
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:4-6
A Bad Friendship
James 4:4-6
I. When we choose the world, we reject God’s _____________________________. (v. 4)
II. When we choose the world, we reject God’s ____________________________. (v. 5)
III. When we choose the world, we reject God’s ___________________________. (v. 6)
Title – Why do Christians fight?
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 4:1-3
Why do Christians fight?
James 4:1-3
I. We are yielded to sinful desires, not God’s ____________________________________. (v. 1)
II. We are driven to fleshly action, not God’s ____________________________________. (v. 2)
III. We are motivated by selfish ambition, not God’s ______________________________. (v. 3)
Title – Real Wisdom, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:13-18
Real Wisdom
James 3:13-18
I. True wisdom is marked by godly living. (v. 13)
II. True wisdom is marked by godly motives. (v. 14-15)
III. True wisdom is marked by godly _______________________. (v. 16)
IV. True wisdom is marked by godly _______________________. (v. 17-18)
Title – Real Wisdom, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:13-18
Real Wisdom
James 3:13-18
I. True wisdom is marked by godly _________________________. (v. 13)
II. True wisdom is marked by godly ________________________. (v. 14-15)
III. True wisdom is marked by godly _______________________. (v. 16)
IV. True wisdom is marked by godly ________________________. (v. 17-18)
Title – The Untamed Tongue, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:1-12
The Untamed Tongue
James 3:1-12
I. The tongue has power to convict. (v. 1-2a)
II. The tongue has power to command. (v. 2b-5a)
III. The tongue has power to ____________________. (v. 5b-6)
IV. The tongue has power to _____________________. (v. 7-8)
V. The tongue has power to ______________________. (v. 9-12)
Title – The Untamed Tongue, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 3:1-12
The Untamed Tongue
James 3:1-12
I. The tongue has power to ______________________. (v. 1-2a)
II. The tongue has power to _____________________. (v. 2b-5a)
III. The tongue has power to ____________________. (v. 5b-6)
IV. The tongue has power to _____________________. (v. 7-8)
V. The tongue has power to ______________________. (v. 9-12)
Title – Faith that Works
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:21-26
Faith that Works
James 2:21-26
I. True faith produces _____________________ to God’s Word. (v. 21-22)
II. True faith produces ___________________ in God’s person. (v. 23-24)
III. True faith produces ________________________ God’s ways. (v. 25-26)
Title – Falsified Faith
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:14-20
Falsified Faith
James 2:14-20
I. It is missing true ____________________________. (v. 14)
II. It is missing real ____________________________. (v. 15-17)
III. It is missing genuine _________________________. (v. 18-20)
Title – The Perils of Partiality
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:8-13
The Perils of Partiality
James 2:8-13
I. We are ___________________________ of His command. (v. 8-9)
II. We are ___________________________ before His command. (v. 10-11)
III. We are ___________________________ by His command. (v. 12-13)
Title – The Problems with Partiality
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 2:1-7
The Problems with Partiality
James 2:1-7
I. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 1)
II. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 2-4)
III. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 5)
IV. It betrays God’s ______________________________. (v. 6-7)
Title – Doers of the Word, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:23-27
Doers of the Word, Part II
James 1:23-27
I. His Word ________________________________. (v. 23-24)
II. His Word ________________________________. (v. 25)
III. His Word ________________________________. (v. 26-27)
Title – Doers of the Word, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:19-22
Doers of the Word, Part I
James 1:19-22
I. Practice ________________________________. (v. 19-20)
II. Pursue __________________________________. (v. 21)
III. Pursue __________________________________. (v. 22)
Title – Who’s to Blame?
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:13-18
Who’s to Blame?
James 1:13-18
I. God is __________________________________. (v. 13)
II. We are __________________________________. (v. 14-15)
III. God is __________________________________. (v. 16-18)
Title – What Really Matters
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:9-12
What Really Matters
James 1:9-12
I. Notice the priority of _______________________________. (v. 9)
II. Notice the passing of worldly _________________________. (v. 10-11)
III. Notice the permanence of God’s __________________________. (v. 12)
Title – Enduring Life’s Trials, Part II
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:1-8
Enduring the Life’s Trials
James 1:1-8
I. It requires true joy. (v. 1-2)
II. It requires right knowledge. (v. 3)
III. It requires real ____________________________. (v. 4)
IV. It requires divine ____________________________. (v. 5)
V. It requires genuine ____________________________. (v. 6-8)
Title – Enduring Life’s Trials, Part I
Categories: JamesSunday Morning Sermons
Preachers: Ethan Drum
Series: Not Hearers Only
Passage: James 1:1-8
Enduring the Life’s Trials
James 1:1-8
I. It requires true ____________________________. (v. 1-2)
II. It requires right ___________________________. (v. 3)
III. It requires real ____________________________. (v. 4)
IV. It requires divine __________________________. (v. 5)
V. It requires genuine _________________________. (v. 6-8)